While the net present value cost of each alternative scenario would range from 21% to 42% above the policy baseline, the cumulative emission reductions would only range from 4% to 15% lower. Figure 5 shows the annual CO2 emission projections from just the electric power sector by scenario in the Pathways Report.
Figure 6 shows the cumulative emissions by scenario between 2023 and 2040. Given the annual difference in emissions for each scenario is small, there is not much difference in total cumulative emissions over the 18 year period.
Between 2023 and 2040 the difference in cumulative GhG emissions across each of the 6 scenarios compared to the policy baseline range from a reduction of 10.2 million metric tonnes(DSF scenario) to a reduction of 37.9 million metric tonnes (WSB scenario). Given the difference in the net present value cost of each scenario, the estimated cost per metric ton of CO2 reduced ranges from $373 to $1,748.
Figure 7
Difference in CO2 Emissions by Scenario Compared to Economic Deployment Scenario
Difference in Cumulative CO2 (MT)
Difference in NPV Capital + OM Cost
Cost Per Additional Reduction in MT CO2
Rate Impacts to Electricity Customers
While each electricity consumer can control their utility bill to a degree, higher electricity rates directly contribute to higher utility bills for households, commercial businesses and industrial businesses.
In 2023, the average Colorado household consumed 8,302 kWh of electricity at the average rate of 14 cents per kWh, resulting in an annual electricity expenditure of $1,178. Between 2010 and 2020, average electricity prices were relatively flat and less than 10 cents per kWh; a typical household’s electricity cost averaged about $806 per year over this period. In other words, by 2023 household electricity costs increased by $372, or 46%, from the average over the prior decade.
By 2030 electricity rates are projected to be 4.7 cents per kWh higher than a 2.5 percent annual inflation trend, and 6 cents higher than if rates had continued to grow at the average annual rate of the previous decade (0.6% annual increase). By 2035, rates are projected to be 5.5 cents per kWh above the trend growing at the assumed inflation rate and 8.3 cents per kWh above the historic growth trend rate.
This means that if household electricity consumption remains steady, the average Colorado household will pay an additional $390 to $457 annually, or $32 to $38 more per month through 2035 as a result of just the growth in new electric power generation envisioned in the baseline scenario of the Pathways Report. If household consumption rises by 20%, reflecting policy-driven goals for increased electrification, annual costs would increase to $467 to $549 over the same period.
For residential households, the cost of electricity exceeding a 2.5 percent inflation rate would total $16 billion by 2040. Each household would spend an additional $6,423 between 2023 and 2040. Notably, these cost estimates are conservative, as they compare projected rates to a high inflation trend (The Federal Reserve has an overall inflation target of 2 percent). If the Projected Rates were compared to rate at the historic trend, the total cumulative cost to households grows to $9,282 by 2040. These costs do not account for any growth in the amount of electricity consumed per household.
The volatility in prices in the first few years is primarily due to an increase in federal production tax credits authorized as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. There is some volatility in the annual investment assumptions that also causes rates to decrease in 2026 and 2027, but that effect is smaller than that of the production tax credits.
Figure 8
Projected Higher Costs to Households of Electricity Prices Outpacing Inflation
Annual Cost at 2023 Consumption Level
Annual Cost at 120% of 2023 Consumption Level
18-year Total
* The slight decrease in annual costs shown in 2027 is primarily due to an increase in the value of production tax credits, spurred by the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Commercial Businesses
In 2023 the average Colorado commercial business consumed 53,880 kWh of electricity at an average price of 11.6 cents/kWh, spending a total of $6,242 on electricity last year.
By 2030, these rates are projected to be 4.7 cents/kWh higher than the inflation trend. By 2035 they are projected to be 5.5 cents/kWh higher. If commercial consumption levels stay the same, the average Colorado commercial business will be spending over $2,500 more annually by 2030 compared to the scenario where rates grow at 2.5%. Compared to rates growing at the historic trend, commercial businesses will be spending $3,300 more in 2030. If commercial consumption increases by just 20 percent due to increased electrification, the annual cost increase from higher rates would be $3,500 higher by 2035 compared to a rate trended at inflation.
The total cost to the commercial sector for costs rising above inflation would be $16.2 billion as each business spends an additional $41,686 to $50,023 by 2040. This only includes the cost of electricity and not additional costs associated with swapping out existing equipment for electric powered equipment.
Figure 9
Projected Higher Costs to Commercial Businesses of Electricity Prices Outpacing Inflation
Annual Cost at 2023 Consumption Level
Annual Cost at 120% of 2023 Consumption Level
18-year total
* The slight decrease in annual costs shown in 2027 is primarily due to an increase in the value of production tax credits, spurred by the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Industrial Businesses
In 2023 the average Colorado industrial business consumed 996,042 kWh of electricity at a price of 8.6 cents/kWh, spending a total of $85,967 on electricity last year.
By 2030, the rates are projected to be 4.7 cents/kWh higher than the inflation trend. By 2035 they are projected to be 5.5 cents/kWh higher. This means that if industrial consumption levels stay the same, the average Colorado industrial business will be spending $54,843 more annually in a decade. If industrial consumption increases by just 20%, given other policy objectives to increase electrification, then the annual cost would be between $56,072 and $65,812 more annually.
The total cost to the commercial sector of prices rising above inflation would be $11.6 billion to $13.9 billion as each business spends an additional $770,629 to $924,755.
Figure 10
Projected Higher Costs to Industrial Businesses of Electricity Prices Outpacing Inflation
Annual Cost at 2023 Consumption Level
Annual Cost at 120% of 2023 Consumption Level
18-year total
* The slight decrease in annual costs shown in 2027 is primarily due to an increase in the value of production tax credits, spurred by the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Production Tax Credits Keep Rates Lower yet Still Have a Cost
Production tax credits (PTCs) are federal tax incentives designed to encourage renewable energy production by providing a per-kilowatt-hour credit based on the value of renewable electricity sales. These credits act as supplemental revenue for utilities operating renewable assets. PTC’s do not change the total cost of delivering energy, rather they shift who pays for the electricity from ratepayers to taxpayers. Based on the 30-Year Rate Model, between 2024 and 2053, the value of PTCs across Colorado is projected to total $21.9 billion. While these federal tax credits help to keep electricity prices lower, taxpayers still bear additional costs. And while electricity consumers can adjust their demand as prices increase, taxpayers do not have a similar avenue to reduce their tax burden.
Coloradans indirectly support PTCs through federal taxes. Without these tax credits, ratepayers would bear the full cost of electric power sector investments and operational expenses through higher rates. Just to illustrate the scale of the PTCS, in 2023 Colorado businesses paid $4.7 billion in federal income taxes. The projected PTC value of $826 million in 2035 represents 17 percent of this total. Taxes will certainly grow by 2035 and therefore the actual percentage share will be smaller, but this comparison helps to understand the relative size of these credits.
For existing renewable energy production, PTCs are estimated to total $1.1 billion through 2030. For new renewable capacity added from 2024 through 2030, PTCs are estimated to total $1.4 billion. PTCs are projected to grow significantly beyond 2030, totaling $7 billion between 2031 and 2040.
By 2030, the annual value of PTCs will have grown by 2.8 times their current level, and by 2035 they are expected to be 4.6 times larger.
From 2020 to 2040, PTCs will represent over 2 cent per/kWh of taxpayer funded subsidies that otherwise would have been paid for by ratepayers. For Colorado households this equates to a cost of approximately $2,395 between 2024 and 2040. Without PTC’s the total cost to households would increase nearly 40 percent, highlighting the significant financial impact of production tax credits on Colorado households and businesses for energy costs.
Figure 11
Figure 12