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Steven L. Byers, Ph.D.

Chief Economist

For media inquiries, please contact cinamon@csinstituteus.org

Steven Byers’s is Common Sense Institutes Senior Economist and has been with CSI since 2022. Steven is responsible for conducting research on issues important to the Colorado economy.

Prior to joining CSI, Steven spent three years working for the Coalition for a Prosperous America, a nonprofit organization consisting of manufacturing, agricultural, labor, consumer, and citizen interest groups, where he conducted research on the U.S. economy, international trade, and tariffs. Highlights of this research include a paper titled, “Decoupling from China – An Economic Analysis of the Impact on the U.S. Economy of a Permanent Tariff on Chinese Imports” for which he and a co-author won the National Association for Business Economics Edmund A. Mennis Contributed Paper Award. Steven’s experience as an economist spans twenty-three years, including work at federal regulatory agencies (SEC, CFTC, PCAOB) and quantitative economic analysis supporting international trade litigation cases brought before the U.S. International Trade Commission. His Ph.D. dissertation topic was based on a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) he developed to evaluate the economic impact of regional tax incentives in a small city (Fort Collins, CO).

Steven is a fifth generation Coloradan, is an avid bicyclist, golfer, sailor, and builds house and fine furniture in his spare time.

Expert's Work
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Ballot Issues
Proposition 130: Funding For Law Enforcement

Proposition 130 attempts to respond to Colorado’s crime by sweetening police recruitment incentives.

Energy & Our Environment
Colorado’s Energy Competitiveness

Colorado is a major oil and gas producing state, producing nearly half a million barrels of oil per day and over 5 Billion Cubic Feet per day of natural gas.

Jobs & Our Economy
Colorado Jobs and Labor Force– May 2024

Colorado’s total employment increased by 9,800 in May. Unlike in some previous months, the private sector contributed primarily to this growth (7,900 jobs).

Housing & Our Community
Housing Mismatch: Mortgage Capacity vs Home Prices

In 2010, Colorado was ranked 20th in the nation for the size of the mismatch between household mortgage capacity and the value of owner-occupied housing. Colorado’s ranking rose to 11th highest, tied with C

Housing & Our Community
Colorado Springs Needs More Housing
Southern Colorado Business Forum & Digest

The Common Sense Institute in a May 22nd study found that increased demand and lagging development created a significant housing shortage and a major decline in affordability.

Housing & Our Community
Builders finally making a dent in Colorado’s housing shortfall. It’s not helping buyers or renters.
The Denver Post

Only 6% of homes sold in metro Denver in first quarter were affordable to households earning a typical income.

May 06, 2024 Steven L. Byers, Ph.D.
Housing & Our Community
Housing affordability worsens
Greeley Tribune

The fact is that wages aren’t keeping up with these huge jumps in home prices.

May 05, 2024 Steven L. Byers, Ph.D.
Jobs & Our Economy
Colorado ranks favorably for economic competitiveness, poorly for migration
Washington Examiner

Colorado ranks 13th nationally in a new index measuring overall economic competitiveness but scores poorly regarding migration.

February 28, 2024 Steven L. Byers, Ph.D.
Free Enterprise Report
The 2024 Free Enterprise Report featuring Lang Sias, Glenn Farley and Dr. Steven Byers

The Free Enterprise Report is a marquis report that provides an objective, non-partisan, fact-based analysis of both the Colorado and Arizona economic landscapes and each state’s most pressing issues.