About the Centers

The Common Sense Institute (CSI) hosts several policy centers focused on critical areas shaping the future of communities and the economy. Each center is dedicated to rigorous research and evidence-based recommendations, aiming to foster informed policy decisions that benefit both the public and the economy.

1. Workforce & Education Center

This center addresses the pressing issues in workforce development and education. By focusing on policies that enhance educational outcomes, bridge skills gaps, and prepare individuals for the evolving demands of the modern economy, the center ensures that every individual has access to quality education and job opportunities. The center covers topics like K-12 education, higher education, vocational training, and workforce readiness.


2. Public Safety & Criminal Justice Center

 This center advances research and policies promoting a safe, fair, and effective criminal justice system. It addresses challenges in law enforcement, crime prevention, sentencing reform, and reentry programs. By offering data-driven insights, the center informs policymakers and communities on how to balance crime reduction, victim support, and offender rehabilitation to create a just and secure society.


3. Energy & Our Environment Center

 Focusing on the intersection of energy policy, environmental stewardship, and economic growth, this center provides research and recommendations that balance reliable, affordable energy with environmental protection. The center emphasizes pragmatic, market-based solutions that support innovation, reduce environmental impact, and ensure a sustainable future.

Across these centers, CSI aims to deliver actionable insights and solutions that enhance economic prosperity, public safety, and environmental sustainability while ensuring that individuals and communities thrive.