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CSI’s mission is to examine the fiscal impacts of policies, initiatives, and proposed laws so that you can stay informed and educated on issues impacting you and Oregonians. Memberships are focused on:

  • Keeping your organization informed on the most pressing policy issues facing Oregon today, with insider information on fiscal impacts.
  • Broadening your network with hundreds of business leaders and policymakers at our tri-annual symposium and policy briefing – Eggs & the Economy.
  • Keeping you up to date on top of important news and policy happenings with our bi-weekly e-newsletter, Common Sense Digest.
  • And more! Learn about all the benefits of each membership level below.

Click here to become a Member today!


Leader's Circle – $2,500

  • Subscription to Bi-weekly Newsletter, Common Sense Digest
  • Recognition in CSI’s Social Media & Newsletter
  • The Opportunity to Partner with CSI on an Event
  • Discounted Table Price to the Free Enterprise Summit


Economic Vitality Partner - $7,500

  • Subscription to Bi-weekly Newsletter, Common Sense Digest
  • Recognition in CSI’s Social Media & Newsletter
  • The Opportunity to Partner with CSI on an Event
  • Discounted Table Price to the Free Enterprise Summit
  • Exclusive First Preview of All Research and Studies Released
  • Invitation to Exclusive Member Events
  • Priority Access to CSI Policy Experts & Fellows for your Organization's Events 

Economic Roundtable Member – $15,000

  • Subscription to Bi-weekly Newsletter, Common Sense Digest
  • Recognition in CSI’s Social Media & Newsletter
  • The Opportunity to Partner with CSI on an Event
  • Discounted Table Price to the Free Enterprise Summit
  • Exclusive First Preview of All Research and Studies Released
  • Invitation to Exclusive Member Events
  • Priority Access to CSI Policy Experts & Fellows for your Organizations Events
  • Recognition on CSI Website 
  • Exclusive Updates from CSI Fellows & Economist 
  • Sponsorship on CSI Collateral
  • Exclusive Invites to Free Enterprise Cabinet Events
  • A Briefing to your Board from our Executive Director
  • Speaking Role at a CSI Event


To become a Member or to get more information please contact Mary Goodley at Mary@csinstituteus.org.