CSI works alongside amazing individuals, and we are incredibly grateful for the testimonials they share. Their experiences and feedback inspire us and highlight the impact of our work in promoting and protecting Oregon's economy.


"I’m thrilled that CSI is coming to Oregon. The sound, thoughtful research CSI is known for is exactly what we need in Oregon to help guide policy. Our state is at an inflection point, and we need all the tools we can get to inform a robust, fact-based public debate about economic and fiscal policy."

Angela Wilhelms

President & Ceo of Oregon Business & Industry, CSI Oregon Board of Directors



"Oregonians want more facts and less politics, when it comes to solving the challenges we face as a state. That’s exactly what the Common Sense Institute provides. While the challenges we face have become increasingly complex, we don’t always have the research necessary to confirm the policies under consideration are the best policies to actually solve the problem. We have anecdotes, but there is an incredible shortage of facts and data to drive decision making. Whether it’s in our state Capitol, at the ballot, or in our local communities, the Common Sense Institute is what we have been missing, to better understand the impact policies will have on our economy and on Oregon families. CSI offers the facts, and with those facts Oregonians can work together to solve the challenges we face."

Christine Drazan

Former Republican Leader in the Oregon House of Representatives, Founding CSI Board Member