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Building Gated Cities – Overview

Housing & Our Community
Unlocking Housing Affordability in Denver

Is Inclusionary Zoning Solving or Perpetuating the Problem?

September 03, 2024 Peter LiFariChris Brown
Housing & Our Community
Housing Mismatch: Mortgage Capacity vs Home Prices

In 2010, Colorado was ranked 20th in the nation for the size of the mismatch between household mortgage capacity and the value of owner-occupied housing. Colorado’s ranking rose to 11th highest, tied with C

Housing & Our Community
Colorado’s Fentanyl Problem and the Economic Costs

The total cost of fentanyl-related overdose deaths in Colorado is estimated to be $16 billion in 2023. This is over ten times the cost of fentanyl overdose from 2017, $1.3 billion. That $16 billion is 3% of

June 18, 2024 Steven L. Byers, Ph.D.
Housing & Our Community
The Ongoing Cost of Denver Migrants

The total cost to Denver metro schools related to new migrant students is $98 million to $222 million, which would equate to 1-2% of the total state K-12 education budget for the 2024-25 academic year.

May 30, 2024 DJ Summers