CSI works alongside amazing individuals, and we are incredibly grateful for the testimonials they share. Their experiences and feedback inspire us and highlight the impact of our work in promoting and protecting Arizona's economy.

"CSI Arizona bridges the divide between policy and economic development through accurate, nonpartisan research about the top issues impacting our state. At the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, we share a common vision to promote free enterprise throughout Arizona and we value CSI’s research and data-analysis expertise that helps make our business community much stronger and more resilient."

Danny Seiden

Arizona Chamber of Commerce, Industry CEO


"I am grateful to the work being done by the Common Sense Institute to dig in on the facts and provide data and research on the big issues facing Arizona. From water to school choice to tax policy, CSI has emerged as a leading voice on economic policy in the state of Arizona."

Doug Ducey

Former Governor of Arizona, Arizona



"Over the last year, CSI has produced nearly 30 all-inclusive, thorough reports that have helped lawmakers and key stakeholders take big steps in tackling some of our states most challenging – and most pressing – policy issues. From jobs and inflation to K-12 school funding, CSI’s data-driven, econometric work bolsters our state economy, and improves education in Arizona leading to a more diverse, more skilled workforce."

Lisa Graham Keegan

CSI Board Member, The Keegan Company


"As a legislator, my mission was to positively impact the lives of my constituents and fellow Arizonans through comprehensive, effective policies. And through the CSI Housing Fellowship, I was able to continue my work with Republican Jenn Daniels to find common ground on housing policy issues deeply affecting our state. Our bipartisan housing report was the first of its kind to be backed by comprehensive, factual, nonpartisan data – it gave us the ability to find bipartisan solutions to enact real, actionable change."

Sean Bowie

Former State Senator, Arizona