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Proposition 118: How Will It Affect Your Bottom Line?

To determine the impacts of a paid leave program in Colorado for our study about Proposition 118, CSI developed the Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Model which can project a broad range of fiscal and individual results. Now, we are allowing you to run this model directly, with your own inputs, and visualize how a paid leave program could affect your personal and business’ finances. The passage of Proposition 118 could impose significant costs upon you as a worker or a business owner, and this tool can help you to better understand them.

MODEL (Excel document)

Key Questions for Universal Payer

In Colorado’s current healthcare system, the cost of providing care to a patient often exceeds the payment received in return for the services provided. On average among the various major health insurance g

Diagnosis of Colorado’s Healthcare Industry: Impact and Competitiveness Are Significant, but Warning Signs on the Rise

Colorado’s healthcare sector is a major driver of the state’s economy and is poised to only expand its role in the next 10 years.

Do Final Colorado Option Rates Deliver on the Promise of Consumer Savings?

The newly released 2023 health insurance rates show that, despite the state’s promise of savings and improved competition, non–Colorado Option plans will be less expensive and fewer health insurance options

November 16, 2022 Chris BrownErik Gamm
Inflation and the Colorado Option Plan

The Colorado Option, signed into law in 2021, is a state-regulated health insurance program which requires carriers to offer “standardized plans” within the individual and small-group markets at reduced pri

May 18, 2022 Chris BrownErik Gamm